Using IMC’s ARC, alarm receiving centre or alarm monitoring station means 24/7/365 always on support with response generally taking place within 10 seconds of the alert.

Quality, human-monitored solutions with the best AI technology supporting you, your client and the crew manning your surveillance and monitoring. There’s a non-compete clause preventing your clients operating directly with IMC (although the end user price would remain the same so they would have no advantage). Sit back and enjoy the recurring revenue whilst IMC takes care of your monitoring. You get less hassle than having to set your own monitoring station up and waiting to break even, you get no risk, no capital expenditure and you can earn up to the equivalent amount of profit you’d make doing it yourself. It makes sound business sense knowing your clients will also see upgrades in monitoring sooner through economies of scale – making you the hero in your story!

It all began with an idea!

  1. Make IMC your sole distributor and single source for cameras, VMS software, body cameras, radios, lone worker devices, panic alarms and SOS alarms
  2. Offer installers’ the chance to service their clients at IMC’s monitoring station with a recurring revenue stream giving them the difference between end user price and trusteed installer price

Some of the products IMC can provide are not available to installers ordering below their set threshold. Collectively, IMC gives you access to these products and our bulk/regular ordering also offers installers some passed on price reductions.

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